Saturday, July 3, 2010

Mea Culpa

First of all, I'm doing a terrible job at updating consistently. I would like to pretend that is because I'm so busy all the time. I am pretty busy, but I'm also extraordinarily lazy when I'm not super busy. This will become very clear as you read this post.

Anyway, life is pretty good. Had I posted a few days ago, my biggest problem would have been that guys here are very obnoxious when they hit on you. The machismo culture here allows men to catcall at any time of day or night, drink until they are a bit out of control, and approach consistently and aggressively with such unique gems as, "de donde estas?" I've resorted to lying, and saying I'm from Switzerland or anywhere else I care to be from that night. That said, I have a bit more to worry about at the moment. The distance is not having a wonderful effect on my relationship. Since last night I have resolved to stop drunkenly skyping my pololo at 5am. Your mother was right when she said nothing good ever happens after 2am.

We've gone out a few times in the past week, which always results in the next day being that much more fun. Basically, I got 2 hours of sleep Wednesday night, then compensated with 11 hours Thursday night, got 2 hours of sleep last night, and intend to go to bed as soon as possible tonight.

Today we went to Isla Negra (Pablo Neruda's 3rd house in Chile) and Pomaire. It was the South of Chile, and super cold despite a being a beautiful, sunny day. Brenna and I had these gigantic, delicious empañadas at Pomaire market today for about $1.20 a piece. I also bought a giant pair of Alpaca wool socks with llamas on them. I intend to wear them with my birkenstocks and personify the cliche of a traveling hippy from Berkeley.

Pablo Neruda's house was pretty incredible. It was basically a museum on a cliff above the ocean that had all these beautiful art pieces, collections of sea shells and insects, and I couldn't even name what else. Apparently most of the pieces were gifts, which made me feel pretty unpopular. The house was all on one floor, with long and thin rooms. Apparently this was done to imitate the geography of Chile. Only Pablo. Tomorrow we go to the beaches up north, which should be lovely.

Resolutions: Update more often, write better blog posts (this one's all over the place), and finally-no more drunken skyping!

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