Friday, July 23, 2010


I cannot believe how time here has just sped up and sprinted away. Today was the last day of classes; I gave a presentation on Gladys Marín, drank some warm wine, and then took my prueba (don't worry, I passed with flying colors). Afterwards, at our going away gathering with the exchange program, I commented to Brenna on how it seems like just yesterday that we were at our orientation, eating the same sandwiches, hearing the same people speak, and receiving PUCV themed regalos.

I walked home in the rain, but didn't mind. I was feeling a bit triste at the prospect of leaving and saying goodbye to my family here. Just last night, I hugged Romina goodbye. "I'll see you soon," she said, and was so confident in that statement. I do hope she's right. I've never experienced such hospitality and warmth before. I can't wait to see if other places compare, and to return to Chile again.

Tonight, at once, it was just the family and I. Tia Rosita, her pololo Claudio, and her two sons Ferdinand and Carlos. We ate (well, I drank tea), and Carlos (under pressure) got his guitar and started to play. Everyone was singing and laughing, especially when Carlos started singing Nirvana songs without actually knowing the words. He was just making the related sounds, and despite being very familiar with his song choices, I could not make out what he was saying. Tia Rosita suspected, and asked me, and we both laughed so hard when I confirmed that he was singing nonsense.

My stomach has been super strange today. I've been mostly unable to eat, and now I'm beset with a terrible stomachache that comes and goes in waves. Tia Rosita brought me a herb-infused hot beverage as a homeopathic remedy. She also gave me a beautiful necklace, hand-made by one of her friends, and one of a kind. It's beautiful, as is she, inside and out. If I can muster up the strength, I want to go out to celebrate my last night in Viña/Valpo. My teacher and some of the kids from my class are in Valpo for the night, not to mention my brothers are very likely going to carretear as well.

Tomorrow, we go to Santiago. I'll stay with Jane until Monday, when my flight leaves. I cannot believe I'm saying goodbye to this gorgeous place, and these wonderful people. Maybe the stomachache isn't as random as it seems...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Gracias por la Vida

Pucon ended up being incredible, even if it had a bit of a rough start. Brenna and I had bus tickets to Puerto Montt, not Pucon, and we didn't realize the error until we got on the bus. After a chat with the bus driver, we were notified when we came to a stop, about an hour or two from Pucon. From there, we grabbed another bus to Pucon, and from then on, smooth sailing.

We stayed in a hostel run by Pancho's lovely friend, Alvaro. The first night we grabbed burgers and drinks at another friend's restaurant. From there we went to a bar and club, where carreteamos y bailamos. The next day we went white water river rafting, which is one of my favorite activities in the world. I've decided that a solid plan b for my life is to become a river rafting guide, and travel the world taking english and spanish speaking tourists on adventures. Not a bad way to spend your early 20s...

After some sushi, we headed to the hot springs. Pucon is a town bordering the active Volcán Villarrica, so natural hot springs are abound in the area. The next day, Brenna and I woke up nice and early to climb the snow covered volcán. It was one of the most intense and exhilarating experiences of my life. I took some pictures of the gorgeous view, but I doubt they do justice to the experience itself. After a (much) needed shower, we shared the best sandwich of my life. Afterwards, we grabbed ice cream and chocolates for the night-time bus ride.

We arrived yesterday in the morning, too late to go to school and far too tired to, anyway. I met Claudio, Tia Rosita's pololo, who is muy guapo. Tia Rosita is such a wonderful woman who has been through a lot; no one is more deserving of love than her. Off to a ISA dinner for now, but I'll check in soon!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Aventuras con Gringas

Saturday ended up being really fun. Incredible vino con fruta with el profesor, followed by dancing at Me Robó el Corazon, followed by a very long ride home thanks to the very necessary "let's drink more" pitstop. Tonight may be a bit of deja vu, considering we are beginning the night with the prof, have plans and supplies to make delicious vino con fruta, and the DJ who drove us home is spinning tonight at Me Robó and asked us to come...

This past week passed as usual, punctuated by school and homework, but otherwise filled with chocolate, sex and the city, and daily outings with Brenna. That is, until I realized that next week is our last week of classes. How time flies...

Brenna and I have two excursions planned before I return to the states. Tomorrow night we leave for Pucon, a city nestled by a lake en el sur. An active volcano, natural hot springs, and rafting await Brenna, Pancho, Pancho's Brazilian polola, and myself. Then on Friday, Brenna and I leave for La Serena en norte chico, where we'll meet up with Romina. From there we are off to the forest, for a several day long rave/festival to celebrate the Mayan New Year.

I'll do my best to update in the next 2 weeks, although internet access may be scarce. Chau for now, besitos! xoxo

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Me Robó El Corazon

So, the past couple of days have been a bit of a whirlwind. I took my grammar test, thought I might've failed it, and then ended up ace-ing it... I hope I don't turn into one of those people who whine about how badly they did, and then get straight A's. I think I'd sacrifice a flawless GPA in order not to be one of the most annoying people on the planet.

I also am having some bizarre allergic reaction to a mysterious substance here. It's really not a big deal, just random little red dots on my body, probably 5-10 total. Originally I thought I had flea bites, so I suppose a mysterious allergic reaction is an improvement over that situation.

On Friday, instead of having our regularly scheduled class, we ended up at a fishing port/market. This is for my other class, which we definitely don't have tests for. We also went to lunch (instead of class) the other week. Talking to 7 fishermen about their jobs on a gorgeous, sunny day instead of being cooped up for an hour and a half? Yes, please. Brenna and I also managed to get our teacher for that class to meet us for drinks in an hour, at Ritual in Valparaíso (famous for their vino con fruta). Successful day, all in all.

Bit of a lazy weekend, filled with Sex and the City, tarea, y carretes. Speaking of which, I need to let Brenna in and begin our night!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

El Viento y La Lluvia

Today it's super windy and rainy, and I have a grammar test tomorrow. Translation: I'm not leaving my room until tomorrow morning. All is well, although I suppose all will be even better tomorrow.

July 4th was lovely, although not in the traditional sense. Our program took a trip up to the playas en el norte de Chile. Even though it was too cold to tan or swim, we did go horseback riding on some uncontrollable horses, had delicious empañadas, went shopping in artistenarias, and went on a hike in Zapallar, Chile's version of Malibu.

Otherwise, I've just been up to the usual. Going to class, hanging out with the family, and sleeping as much as possible. I'll update after I get done with tests, and hopefully have a few interesting stories to share...

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Mea Culpa

First of all, I'm doing a terrible job at updating consistently. I would like to pretend that is because I'm so busy all the time. I am pretty busy, but I'm also extraordinarily lazy when I'm not super busy. This will become very clear as you read this post.

Anyway, life is pretty good. Had I posted a few days ago, my biggest problem would have been that guys here are very obnoxious when they hit on you. The machismo culture here allows men to catcall at any time of day or night, drink until they are a bit out of control, and approach consistently and aggressively with such unique gems as, "de donde estas?" I've resorted to lying, and saying I'm from Switzerland or anywhere else I care to be from that night. That said, I have a bit more to worry about at the moment. The distance is not having a wonderful effect on my relationship. Since last night I have resolved to stop drunkenly skyping my pololo at 5am. Your mother was right when she said nothing good ever happens after 2am.

We've gone out a few times in the past week, which always results in the next day being that much more fun. Basically, I got 2 hours of sleep Wednesday night, then compensated with 11 hours Thursday night, got 2 hours of sleep last night, and intend to go to bed as soon as possible tonight.

Today we went to Isla Negra (Pablo Neruda's 3rd house in Chile) and Pomaire. It was the South of Chile, and super cold despite a being a beautiful, sunny day. Brenna and I had these gigantic, delicious empañadas at Pomaire market today for about $1.20 a piece. I also bought a giant pair of Alpaca wool socks with llamas on them. I intend to wear them with my birkenstocks and personify the cliche of a traveling hippy from Berkeley.

Pablo Neruda's house was pretty incredible. It was basically a museum on a cliff above the ocean that had all these beautiful art pieces, collections of sea shells and insects, and I couldn't even name what else. Apparently most of the pieces were gifts, which made me feel pretty unpopular. The house was all on one floor, with long and thin rooms. Apparently this was done to imitate the geography of Chile. Only Pablo. Tomorrow we go to the beaches up north, which should be lovely.

Resolutions: Update more often, write better blog posts (this one's all over the place), and finally-no more drunken skyping!